A plethora of long-range neutrino interactions probed by DUNE and T2HK


If there are new neutrino interactions with matter, and if they affect neutrinos of different flavor differently, then they could impact neutrino oscillations. Long-baseline neutrino experiments are well-suited to look for them, thanks to their use of intense, well-characterized neutrino beams.

If the new interactions have a long range—i.e., if they are mediated by a new, ultra-light mediator—then neutrinos on Earth may experience a matter potential sourced by the vast amount of faraway matter elsewhere inside the Earth, Moon, Sun, Milky Way, and in the cosmological matter distribution, as pointed out in 1808.02042 [Universe’s Worth of Electrons to Probe Long-Range Interactions of High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos, by MB & Sanjib Agarwalla, PRL 2019]. This boosts the chances of discovering the new interaction even if it is supremely feeble.

In a recent paper (2305.05184 [Flavor-dependent long-range neutrino interactions in DUNE & T2HK: alone they constrain, together they discover, by Masoom Singh, MB, and Sanjib Agarwalla, JHEP 2023]), we explored the prospects of constraining or discovering these new, long-range neutrino interactions in the upcoming long-baseline experiments DUNE and T2HK. We found promising prospects. However, we explored only three different possible forms of the interaction, introduced by gauging three of the accidental global lepton-number U(1) symmetries of the Standard Model.

In a new paper (2404.02775), led by PhD students Masoom Singh and Pragyanprasu Swain, we now extend this to many other symmetries—a plethora of them!—that introduce new neutrino interactions with electrons, neutrons, and protons. Each symmetry affects oscillations differently.

Our new results cement and extend our original findings: DUNE and T2HK should be able to probe the existence of new interactions—and possibly discover and distinguish between alternatives—regardless of which symmetry is responsible for inducing them. The reach of DUNE and T2HK to probe new neutrino interactions is not only deep, but also broad!


A plethora of long-range neutrino interactions probed by DUNE and T2HK
Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Mauricio Bustamante, Masoom Singh, Pragyanprasu Swain
2404.02775 hep-ph

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Measuring the ultra-high-energy neutrino flavor composition in in-ice radio detectors


The flavor composition of high-energy cosmic neutrinos—i.e., the proportion of electron, muon, and tau neutrinos in the flux—is a versatile probe of neutrino physics and astrophysics (see, e.g., here, here, and here). So far, all measurements of it, by IceCube, have been in the TeV-PeV energy range. In the next decade, new neutrino telescopes might discover ultra-high-energy (UHE) neutrinos, with EeV-scale energies, opening up new possibilities. Yet, so far, the measurement of their flavor composition has remained largely unexplored (see, however, our recent paper here).

In a new paper led by postdoc Alan Coleman we propose new methods to measure the flavor composition of UHE neutrinos in upcoming large in-ice radio-detection neutrino telescopes, like RNO-G, under construction, and the planned radio array of IceCube-Gen2. 

The measurement is based on two flavor-sensitive channels: one sensitive to electron neutrinos, by looking for the elongation of radio Askaryan emission due to the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect, and one sensitive mainly to muon and tau neutrinos, by looking for events that contain multiple showers, triggered by the stochastic losses of final-state muons and taus.

Our results, based on state-of-the-art simulations of IceCube-Gen2, show promising prospects. If the UHE neutrino flux is large (as in, informed by cosmic-ray measurements by the Telescope Array), we should achieve sensitivity enough to confirm standard predictions of the flavor composition and disfavor extreme deviations from them:

This would allow us, for instance, to infer the flavor composition at the point of production of the UHE neutrinos and thus indirectly probe their production mechanism and possibly the identity of the neutrino sources:

Read more at:

The flavor composition of ultra-high-energy cosmic neutrinos: measurement forecasts for in-ice radio-based EeV neutrino telescopes
Alan Coleman, Oscar Ericsson, Mauricio Bustamante, Christian Glaser
2402.02432 astro-ph